In this topic all of the variable in the EDCHM will be defined.
- time_dayOfYear_
<1, 366> (d) the number of the day in the year between 1 (1 January) and 365 or 366 (31 December)
- atmos_precipitation_mm
(mm/m2/TS) precipitaion volum
- atmos_rain_mm
(mm/m2/TS) precipitation in rain form
- atmos_snow_mm
(mm/m2/TS) precipitation in snow form
- atmos_temperature_Cel
(Cel) the average air temperature in the time phase
- atmos_temperatureMax_Cel
(Cel) the maximal air temperature in the time phase
- atmos_temperatureMin_Cel
(Cel) the minimal air temperature in the time phase
- atmos_solarRadiat_MJ
(MJ/m2/TS) the solar radiation that actually reaches the earths surface
- atmos_netRadiat_MJ
(MJ/m2/TS) the balance between the energy absorbed, reflected and emitted by the earths surface or the difference between the incoming net shortwave (Rns) and the net outgoing longwave (Rnl) radiation
- atmos_relativeHumidity_1
(0, 1) relative humidity
- atmos_vaporPress_hPa
(hPa) actual vapour pressure, can be calculated by
- atmos_saturatVaporPress_hPa
(hPa) saturation vapour pressure at
, can be calculated byatmos_SaturatVaporPress()
- atmos_windSpeed_m_s
(m/s) measured wind speed at z m above ground surface
- atmos_windMeasureHeight_m
(m) height of measurement above ground surface
- atmos_windSpeed2m_m_s
(m/s) wind speed at 2 m above ground surface
- atmos_potentialEvatrans_mm
(mm/m2/TS) potential / reference evapotranspiration
- land_albedo_1
<0, 1> albedo of the region
- land_latitude_Degree
(degree) average latitude
- land_elevation_m
(m) average elevation
- land_impermeableFrac_1
<0, 1> the maximum impermeable fraction when th soil is fully saturated
- land_water_mm
(mm/m2) pounded water volume in
and there is no limit, different thanland_interceptWater_mm
- land_interceptWater_mm
(mm/m2) initial water volume that can be intercepted
- land_interceptCapacity_mm
(mm/m2) average intercept Capacity (maximal storage capacity)
- land_actualEvatrans_mm
(mm/m2/TS) actual evapotranspiration from
- land_infiltrat_mm
(mm/m2/TS) infiltration from
- snow_ice_mm
(mm/m2) water equivalent of ice in snowpack
- soil_fieldCapacityPerc_1
<0, 1> the relative ratio (\(\theta_fc / \theta^*\)) that the water content can drainage by gravity
- soil_water_mm
(mm/m2) water volume in
- soil_capacity_mm
(mm/m2) average soil Capacity (maximal storage capacity)
- soil_interflow_mm
(mm/m2/TS) subsurface flow directly to the river
- soil_actualEvatrans_mm
(mm/m2/TS) actual evapotranspiration from
- soil_potentialPercola_mm
<0.01, 7> (mm/m2/TS) potential percolation
- soil_potentialInteflow_mm
<0.01, 7> (mm/m2/TS) potential interflow
- soil_potentialCapirise_mm
<0.01, 7> (mm/m2/TS) potential capillary rise
- ground_water_mm
(mm/m2/TS) water volume in
- ground_capacity_mm
(mm/m2) water storage capacity in
- ground_lateral_mm
(mm/m2/TS) lateral flow, exchange with outside region. It can be NEGATIV
- ground_capillarise_mm
(mm/m2/TS) capillary rise from
- ground_potentialLateral_mm
<-7, 7> (mm/m2/TS) potential lateral flow
- ground_potentialBaseflow_mm
<0.01, 7> (mm/m2/TS) potential baseflow
- confluen_inputWater_mm, land_runoff_mm, ground_baseflow_mm
(mm/m2) input water volum in every routeline
- confluen_iuh_1, confluen_iuhLand_1, confluen_iuhSoil_1, confluen_iuhGround_1
(vector of num, sume() = 1) the ratio in every timestep, can be calculated by
- confluen_responseTime_TS
(TS) response or concentration time in every routeline
- water_mm
(mm/m2/TS) water volume in
or intercept oflandLy
, same assoil_water_mm
- capacity_mm
(mm/m2) water storage capacity in
or intercept oflandLy
, same assoil_capacity_mm